Create a sweater that fits into your wardrobe, that you will wear and that you will enjoy making! Amy Herzog is dedicated to helping you dial in on the most important factors to creating a sweater that you will reach for time and time again. Style and functionality are not mutually exclusive and Amy is excited to show you how to get that perfect piece.
BONUS! Get the Fit on the Fly PDF
This amazing "cheat sheet" will guide you through three crucial elements to making a sweater you love: Silhouette, Fabric and Fit! With step by step check lists and schematics, this PDF will become your new best friend to creating the sweater of your dreams.
Note: If you already own a previous Knit Stars season or workshop, or have an account from an event or webinar, make sure to use the original email address, so that you have access to all of your courses in one account.